The first day of school can cause a lot of anxiety for students and teachers. The transition from summer to back to school is tough and, essentially, you start all over. New teacher, new students, new routines, new content – it can be extremely overwhelming! Here are a few tips to help calm first day of school anxieties, quiet those fears and doubts, and walk into your classroom with confidence.

1) Eat Well and Sleep Well The Night Before
Honestly, that should be your cardinal rule for the entire year. When you eat and sleep better, you feel better. Eat something healthy and then do some relaxing before going to bed. Turn off electronics early, take a warm bath or shower, drink some herbal tea, meditate, go for a walk after dinner, do whatever you need to do to relax.
2) Amp Yourself Up! Be Your Own Cheerleader!
If you read over my story again, you will see all the negative self-talk I was doing. It is so sad to think about. Do not be negative to yourself. If you start to say, “I can’t do this.” Immediately change it to, “I know I can do this because I was meant for this day and I am prepared.” Stay positive and talk to yourself in a self-loving way! Also, watch this video. Trust me. I legit watched it 5 times on the first day of school last year.
3) Look Your Best
When you look good, you feel good. Play your outfit the night before (even your jewelry and shoes) so you don’t have to think about it when you wake up.
4) Get a Good Morning Routine
Having a good morning routine is crucial to get rid of anxiety. I created a simple checklist with basic things to do to have a great morning! Checking them off as you go through the routine also helps your anxiety – and who doesn’t love checking things off a “to-do” list?
5) Give Yourself a Pat on the Back
You did it! You have done so much learning and training for this moment and you are finally here. Give yourself a pat on the back and smile! Be proud of what you have accomplished and what you are about to accomplish.
You shouldn’t teach content the entire first week of school. Focus on routines and procedures. Here is a post I wrote with a few tips on how to prepare for the first day of school! Reading books is also the best thing you can do the first day (and first week) of school. Books teach lessons, and they take a long time! Most books also have activities that go with them. Here are a list of books always read during the first week of school.
Close your eyes, breathe, and reassure yourself that today will be a good day. You are in control. You are prepared. You are safe. You were meant to be a teacher. You can do this!
I am cheering for you my friend!